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We know that getting started with new software can be exciting and takes work to get to know how to use it effectively. Our Learning Center is a great tool to learn with as we've tried to document everything in the admin panel.

Here are some great articles to get you started:

How to Access the Admin Panel

Enable or Disable Production Mode - handy when you make changes to a theme, need to troubleshoot or change phrases. It is very important to disable production mode when done for the day as it taxes the server to keep it running.

Member Levels 

General Settings - this is where you set the site title, enable/disable maintenance mode (copy the code!) which will have the site in "offline" mode while you set up or work on it, add Google Analytics and many other settings.

Signup Process

Spam and Banning Tools - very important for a start up site to keep spam from filling it. We recommend using the Recaptcha integration in this setting.

Mail Templates - keep your emails out of spam by customizing the mail phrases here.

Serenity Theme - great tips for how to use and customize the Serenity Theme. We recommend making a child theme (clone) before customizing.

We also have an active and helpful community. Contact us for an invite to our community if you would like to join!

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